Sunday, May 31, 2015

The end of May

It's the last day of May and it's been a while since I've shared my challenge progress. 
The hairy April went well. But I have to confess...with a visit to the lady-doctor looming, I became a little (lot) self-conscious. So I shaved the pits. No. Not anywhere she would actually SEE, but it made me feel better. They were at this point where I just looked lazy, my hairy pits never looked intentional. So. I continue to have smooth pits. But the legs, they be a hairy beast. Sort of. My blonde, fine hair has not awarded the opportunity for me to be accepted in spite of my body hair. In fact, no one seems to notice. Even as the spring breeze blows through my shorts-wearing legs...they go unnoticed. So, hairy they will stay! I haven't missed the battle between razor VS skin at all. 

This month I accepted a sort of no-yelling challenge with the boy child. It started with this article ( He shows no characteristics of ADHD, but he is rather explosive, a term from the article. His emotions have more highs and lows than the Texas Giant. It can be exhausting. I rarely respond emotionally, but when a 5 (now 6) year old is screaming nasty things at you in lieu of brushing his teeth, the anger sharks come out. So I did it. I tried a month of keeping my cool. I wish I could tell you it changed our lives and that the boy now talks calmly and never kicks, slams, screams, or whatever new anger-expression he has come up with. But I'd be lying. I feel pretty good though. And I don't feel guilty at the end of our exchanges. He might calm a little quicker, but I can't guarantee that. 

June will be the toughest trial yet. It's swimsuit season. As a 35 year old mom of two (or am I 36? definitely 35) I'm not dressing to impress anymore, but I do like to feel confident in my skin. When what I eat or drink adds bloat and nast, that's something I can fix. So this month I'll be following the Whole 30 eating plan ( It basically cuts out all sugar, grains, legumes, and dairy. Mainly because those food groups are the biggest offenders for making people feel bad after eating and keeping those winter lbs packed on.  It's going to be a tough one. The kids' could live off pasta if we'd let them, and the hubs loves him some chips and salsa. The temptations will be real. But I am one stubborn mofo, so I'm counting on that this month. Stay tuned...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hairy April

Well month two is underway, and I think this one will be tough. Are you ready? I present to you my inspiration. A month without shaving. Who do we do that for anyway? Don't need to attract a mate, he isn't going anywhere. The professional world? My girlfriends? They'll probably be jealous of all my extra free-time. I mean, between sleeping naked and not shaving I'll save an average of 12 seconds per day! Let's be honest here...not shaving for a month isn't going to be that much of a stretch. We did just come out of winter after all.

But, we live in Texas. And April is the beginning of shorts season. Not that this mom of two rocks my daisy dukes (in public) or anything, but I don't like to sweat, so shorts are a staple over 80 degrees. I've also got a half-marathon this month and I'll be shortsin' it for that for sure.

And tank tops! Don't even get me started. Really what it comes down to is I didn't pay all that money for tattoos to hide them!

What? Did you think I was going to say I spent a bunch of money on some body improvement like a gym or surgery? Far too lazy and pain adverse for that.

Pain adverse though, that will be nice. No shaving for April. Let's see how this goes...

A naked March

Not gonna lie y'all, night one was cold.
It sparked a list of "must remembers" for the rest of the month: 
1) Turn on the space-heater BEFORE climbing into icy sheets
2) Move robe close to bed. Midnight bathroom runs are not fun in frigid temps and the buff. 

Night three brought in a whole new issue I hadn't considered. Sometimes the boy-child has wicked dreams and comes running to our room. Since man-child sleeps like a rock, the youngest usually climbs in on my side. Thankfully has is a caveman and doesn't sleep under the sheet, so I had a border-layer, but it certainly kept me on a little higher alert than I would have liked. Half of me thinks it shouldn't be an issue, I mean he came OUT of me. But in the recent months he's commented more than once on the ta-tas. Once regarding how they went "badoonga doonga" and another time telling me they were long. Make up your mind boy! Are they bouncy or saggy? You can't have it both ways...(I title this section, "how you know when to stop letting your son shower with you").

Over all, the month was a pretty good one. I found waking up naked to be quite the time saver. I could just step right into the shower rather than take those extra 7 seconds to strip. Getting ready for bed was more pleasant as well. No searching through t-shirts to find the softest one for the night. Just dump those dirties right into the laundry basket and I was good to go. The article was right, temperature regulation was way better. Even though in Texas we go from snow to sweat in March, I stayed perfectly regulated. I felt pretty sexy too. I mean, I wasn't a sleeping Venus or anything, but I was laying it all out there and it was a-ok. Now, on to April. 


I have had my fill of being inundated by articles floating about the web-o-sphere. Are you with me? These articles are filled with their "scientific reasons" and all sorts of, I'm sure, well-meaning advice telling each of us how to live our lives better.
I came across this one and it spoke to me (or maybe the wine spoke to me, you can never be too sure). It gave my husband a great idea (not the idea you're thinking of). 
I will, for the next twelve months, pick one advice/"scientifically" based article out there and embrace it each month. 
I begin with my inspiration. For the month of March, I will sleep in the buff. We shall see how vastly my life improves by shedding the cursed jammies and undies. And I'll let you know how it goes...not complete with photos (this go 'round).